
Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Bookplate in a Book About Books

Bookplate collectors often remove bookplates from books for their collections. As a very modest collector of bookplates from institutional libraries, I have sometimes found that the book and its bookplate are more desirable if they remain together.  In my collection I have an elaborate bookplate for the Free Library of Union Springs, NY which is in the book The Story of Books by Gertrude B. Rawlings (D. Appleton & Co., NY, 1901). I think the two of them are a nice combination. The bookplate indicates the book was given in memory of Curtis Strong Chittenden and Caroline Young Peterson. Peterson was from Union Springs. There is a date on the bookplate of May 16, 1902. The book is part of a series called "The Library of Useful Stories".  The book is only four inches by six inches in size and the bookplate is almost as large as the book. The Free Library of Union Springs was founded in 1898 and was renamed the Springport Free Library in 1902.


  1. This is not a comment directly to this post, but more of a topic suggestion for future blog post… I know that there is a lot of talk of the threat that digital services like Amazon bring to the library industry in general. But one thing Amazon and online libraries in general cannot do is replicate the feel and aesthetics of a library (especially some of the big ones: ). I’m curious if there has been any push or attempt to market these aspects of libraries say in the tourist industry, in the same way that hard core baseball fans will visit all the great ballparks and general tourists love to visit cathedrals for the architecture.

  2. Very much enjoyed this post, especially the Canadian connection. I'm a bookplate collector, but I also believe in leaving ex libris in books whenever possible, and only remove those from books which are generally beyond or not worth saving.

    I also often touch on library history in my own blog about bookplates and ex libris, some of which may be of interest to your own research.

    Again, great post!

  3. Thanks Andrew. I've had an opportunity to look at your very interesting blog about Canadian bookplates.
