The libraries that Andrew Carnegie helped fund are more visible on the web these days. For the most part that's a good thing. I'm certainly pleased that there seems to be more interest in preserving these historic structures. Library historian Charley Seavey (aka Desert Sailor) after reading one of my recent posts on a Carnegie library wrote to tell me about a Carnegie in his hometown of Rockport, Massachusetts that had been turned into a private residence. This led me to an excellent website created by Corinne H. Smith on New England Carnegie Libraries. Corinne's webpage on the Rockport Carnegie contained the information that this Carnegie building converted to a residence was for sale by Weichert Realtors and that the listing is located HERE. When Corinne published her webpage the asking price was $2,950,000. Now it is available for the bargain basement price of $2,495,000. So if you ever wanted to live in a Carnegie library, now is your chance. I am aware that at least two other Carnegies are private residences. The Sterling, Colorado Carnegie (formerly a bed and breakfast) that I wrote about in this post is now a private residence, and the former East End Branch of the Superior Public Library is a private residence.
Paul Nelson, a fellow Wisconsin retired librarian and avid blogger, has been keeping me up-to-date on some other recent Carnegie library news including the news that the Kingston, New York Carnegie library building is on the brink of being repurposed and restored.
I maintain a selective list of Carnegie Library links on the Library History Buff website. Search "Carnegie libraries" on this blog to see other Carnegie library stories.
Keep in mind that for you $2+ million the building is made from local granite- the walls are at least two feet thick, if not more. And it is an absolutely primo location in an artist town/tourist attraction. Had I not been a librarian for 40 years I'd probably have enough money to buy the thing.
aka Desert Sailor